Magnawizzard's Net


About my games

Once upon a time, there lived me! =] I didn't have a lot of entertainment at home, and usually in the summer I would use my creativity and think of things to do; the rest of the time, I would whine =P I created comics, drew pictures, and made board games hoping that somebody would play them. My brothers and sisters sometimes played with them. But soon they found their own entertainment and started playing with my games less and less. But I didnt care; I kept on making more for friends and friends at school. I drew comic strips, and kept on making games and board games and these small clubs in school. I made all sorts of games like Super Memory and tag games. I made other kind of board games in my drawing book and forced my friends to play with them =P (some they did enjoy) Then one day in class, an idea popped up in my head. What if I created an imaginary world game using my drawing book and put all my classmates into it and let them fight monsters and gains things? So I made the game (by then I didn't have a title yet) and asked my friends to be in it. Some joined the game and I asked them to make their move in the background I drew. Soon the game advanced and I gave it a name based on a comic I made back then, The Battle of Sambara (a name I thought of for my comics after being inspired by watching "Samurai Showdown the Motion Pictures"; before it was called the The Adventures of Kaira or something) I created status based on my classmates' desires and stuff. They had swords, magic, spells, items, skills, levels, all those rpg things. I created a story, and used Final Fantasy 7's story most of the time because I was inspired by it but at that time, I only reached the Gate Boss of the Temple so I created my own story after my classmates reached the Temple. I made up my own story like how Sephiroth died and stuff. But after that, I started to run out of ideas. Then one day, I wanted to give meaning to the title of my game so I used the idea I had in my comics about Sambara liquids forming ancient armors. So I made many sagas after that, many chapters; many stories. One day, I was lying on my bed and was trying to think of a more fancy name for my game since The Battle of Sambara was kinda long and ....lame (I guess, but not anymore) Then suddenly, a name instantly popped up in my head...Shiroc! It was then when I started calling my game Shiroc and made The Battle of Sambara the first part of Shiroc and called my current game Shiroc 2 since Shiroc 1 was my comics and the many different chapters were versions of The Battle of Sambara and The Adventures of Kaira and stuff. As my friends kept on playing, they were eager for more and by the time the game reached its ending. They wanted more (O__O') so I made many other versions of Shiroc 2 like Shiroc 2 Bonus, Shiroc X2, and stuff. Chapters after chapters. Finally (this year) I made a season finale for Shiroc 2 and the game ended just before my early summer vacation which was in May (2001) Now I plan to bring back all my games and creations into the net and create sequels, prequels and stuff for my games in the past. I will also create fun mini games too. Hope you will enjoy them all! ^___^'


Got anymore questions about the history of my games? Ask here.

